Output format

When a simulation is running, this generates a directory called Eplus-env-<env_name>-res<num_simulation>. The content of this directory is the result of the simulation and we have:

├── Eplus-env-sub_run1
├── Eplus-env-sub_run2
├── Eplus-env-sub_run3
├── ...
├── Eplus-env-sub_runN
│   ├── output/
│   ├── variables.cfg
│   ├── socket.cfg
│   ├── utilSocket.cfg
│   ├── environment.idf
|   ├── weather.epw
│   ├── monitor.csv
|   └── monitor_normalized.csv (optional)
└── progress.csv
  • Eplus-env-sub_run<num_episode> records the results of each episode in simulation. The number of these directories depends on the number of episodes and maximum episode data value (see Maximum Episode Data Stored in Sinergym Output).

  • Within these directories, you have always the same structure:

    • A copy of variables.cfg and environment.idf which are being used during simulation. Environment.idf does not have to be the same as the original hosted in the repository. Since the simulation can be modified to suit the specific weather or apply extra user-defined settings when building the gym environment.

    • A copy of Weather.epw appears only when the weather change for one episode to another (using variability, for example). If weather does not change, original repository .epw will be used in each episode.

    • A copy of socket.cfg and utilSocket.log which are being used in order to establish communication interface with Energyplus during simulation.

    • monitor.csv: This records all interactions Agent-Environment during the episode timestep by timestep. This file only exists when environment has been wrapped with Logger (see Wrappers for more information).

    • monitor_normalized.csv: This file is only generated when environment is wrapped with logger and normalization (see Wrappers). The structure is the same than monitor.csv but observation_values are normalized.

    • output/: This directory has EnergyPlus simulation output.

      If you want to know more about this files, visit Energyplus documentation.

  • progress.csv: This file has information about general simulation results. There is a row per episode and it records most important data such as mean power consumption or , mean comfort penalty, for example. This file only exists when environment has been wrapped with Logger (see Wrappers for more information).


The files monitor.csv, monitor_normalized.csv and progress.csv belong to Sinergym logger which is a wrapper for the environment. This logger has the responsibility of recording all the interactions that are carried out in a simulation, regardless of the training technique which may be being used or any other external factor.

Recording is managed by an instance of the class CSVLogger which is present as a wrapper attribute and is called in each timestep and in the end of a episode:


Normalized observation methods are only used when environment is wrapped with normalization previously.


Note that you can activate and deactivate logger from environment when you want it, using methods activate and deactivate, so you don’t need to unwrap environment.