6. Rewards

Defining a reward function is one of the most important things in reinforcement learning. Consequently, Sinergym allows you to define your own reward functions or use the ones we have already implemented (see section bellow).

  • LinearReward implements a linear reward function, where both energy consumption and thermal discomfort are normalized and add together with different weights. The discomfort is calculated as the absolute difference between current temperature and comfort range (so if the temperature is inside that range, the discomfort would be 0). This is a typically used function where thermal satisfaction of people inside the controlled building has been taken into account.

  • ExpReward is very similar, but in this case the discomfort is calculated using the exponential difference between current temperature and comfort ranges. That means that the increase penalty for the discomfort is higher if we are far from the target temperatures.

  • HourlyLinearReward is a slight modification of the linear function, but the weight given to the discomfort depends on the hour of the day. If the current hour of the simulation is in working hours (by default, from 9 AM to 7 PM) both comfort and energy consumption weights equally, but outside those hours only energy is considered.

These rewards are always negative, meaning that perfect behavior has a cumulative reward of 0. Notice also that there are two temperature comfort ranges defined, one for the summer period and other for the winter period. The weights of each term in the reward allow to adjust the importance of each aspect when evaluating the environments.

The reward functions have a series of parameters in their constructor whose values may depend on the building we are using or other characteristics. For example, the internal temperature or energy variables used to calculate penalties may have a different name in different buildings.

The main parameters that it is considered in a function reward will be the next:

  • temperature_variable: This field can be an str (only a unique zone temperature) or a list (with several zone temperatures).

  • energy_variable: Name of the observation variable where energy consumption is reflected.

  • range_comfort_winter: Temperature comfort range for cold season. Depends on environment you are using.

  • range_comfort_summer: Temperature comfort range for hot season. Depends on environment you are using.

  • energy_weight: Weight given to the energy term. Defaults to 0.5. Comfort weight will have 1-energy_weight.

  • lambda_energy: Constant for removing dimensions from power(1/W). Defaults to 1e-4.

  • lambda_temperature: Constant for removing dimensions from temperature(1/C). Defaults to 1.0.


These parameters are usually common to any reward function. However, they may have different parameters depending on the one being used.

By default, all environments use LinearReward with default parameters. But you can change this configuration using gym.make() as follows:

from sinergym.utils.rewards import ExpReward

env = gym.make('Eplus-discrete-stochastic-mixed-v1', reward=ExpReward, reward_kwargs = {
                                                                        'temperature_variable': 'Zone Air Temperature (SPACE1-1)',
                                                                        'energy_variable': 'Facility Total HVAC Electricity Demand Rate (Whole Building)',
                                                                        'range_comfort_winter': (20.0, 23.5),
                                                                        'range_comfort_summer': (23.0, 26.0),
                                                                        'energy_weight': 0.1})


By default, reward class will return the reward value and the terms used in its calculation. This terms will be added to info dict in environment automatically.


When specifying a different reward with gym.make than the default environment ID, it is very important to set the reward_kwargs that are required and therefore do not have a default value. In the rewards we have defined it is required: temperature_variable(s), energy_variable, range_comfort_winter, range_comfort_summer. The rest of them have default values and it is not necessary to specify.

6.1. Custom Rewards

It is also pretty simple to define your own classes. For example, imagine you want a reward signal which returns always -1 (however we do not recommend using it for training agents). The only requirement is that the calculation is performed using __call__ method, which returns the reward and a dictionary with extra information. The below code implements this.

from sinergym.utils.rewards import BaseReward

class CustomReward(BaseReward):
    """Naive reward function."""
    def __init__(self, env):
        super(CustomReward, self).__init__(env)
    def __call__(self):
        return -1.0, {}

env = gym.make('Eplus-discrete-stochastic-mixed-v1', reward=CustomReward)

More reward functions will be included in the future, so stay tuned!