Welcome to sinergym!

See also

This is a project based on Zhiang Zhang and Khee Poh Lam Gym-Eplus.

The goal of sinergym is to create an environment following OpenAI Gym interface for wrapping simulation engines for building control using deep reinforcement learning.

Sinergym diagram

The main functionalities of sinergym are the following:

  • Benchmark environments. Similarly to Atari or Mujoco environments for RL community, we are designing a set of environments for benchmarking and testing deep RL algorithms. These environments may include different buildings, weathers or action/observation spaces.

  • Develop different experimental settings. We aim to provide a package that allows to modify experimental settings in an easy manner. For example, several reward functions or observation variables may be defined.

  • Include different simulation engines. Communication between Python and EnergyPlus is established using BCVTB. Since this tool allows for interacting with several simulation engines, more of them (e.g. OpenModelica) could be included in the backend while maintaining the Gym API.

  • Stable Baseline 3 Integration. Some functionalities like callbacks have been developed by our team in order to test easily these environments with deep reinforcement learning algorithms.

  • Google Cloud Integration. Whether you have a Google Cloud account and you want to use your infrastructure with Sinergym, we tell you some details about how doing it.

  • Mlflow tracking server. Mlflow is an open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle. This can be used with Google Cloud remote server (if you have Google Cloud account) or using local store. This will help you to manage and store your runs and artifacts generated in an orderly manner.

  • Data Visualization. Using Sinergym logger or Tensorboard server to visualize training information in real-time.

  • Many more!


This is a work in progress project. Stay tuned for upcoming releases!