14. Github Actions
This project is automatically processed using Github Actions, a tool to build continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines for testing, releasing and deploying software without the use of third-party websites/platforms.
Currently, we have developed the next procedures for this project:
14.1. Pull Request
Python Code format check: Python code format is checked in every pull request following Pep8 standard (Level 2 aggressive) and isort to sort imports. In case the code does not follow the standard, a warning will rise during the workflow execution.
Code type check: We are using pytype in Sinergym module. This check controls input and output types in functions and methods. This workflow ignores import-error type using command pytype -d import-error sinergym/. For example, pytype cannot include google cloud storage module, so this option specification is necessary. If some type error happens, the workflow shows an error until the user fixes it.
Documentation checks: This action checks whether source documentation has been modified in every pull-request. If source documentation has been updated, it will compile documentation with Sphinx and raise errors if they exist. This workflow checks vocabulary spelling too. If you have a mistake and Sphinx finds an unknown word, this workflow will return an error. In case you want to use a word that is not in the default dictionary, please add that word to docs/source/spelling_wordlist.txt (please, respect alphabetical order) because Sphinx-spelling accepts words allocated in that list.
Sphinx Warning messages behave like errors for workflow status.
Sphinx Spelling works on code docstring too.
Testing: It is an action that builds a remote container using Dockerfile and executes Pytest inside that container. It is a remote container because it is built in Github, just for testing purposes.
Repository security: This workflow identifies differences between source and base in workflows and tests. It executes that functionality only in forked repositories in order to prevent malicious software in the workflow, for instances, attempts to ignore tests. The event is pull_request_target, this means the workflow is checkout from base repository (our main branch) and it cannot be manipulated by third-parties.
These checks can be skipped in a specific commit writing [ci skip] string in commit message. For more information, see issue #161.
14.2. Push main (or merge a pull request)
These workflows will be executed in sequential order:
Apply format: A bot generates a commit in the main branch applying format changes when it is necessary (autopep8 2 level aggressive and/or isort module).
Update Documentation build to GitHub pages: A bot generates a commit in main branch applying new documentation build when it is necessary (spelling check included here too) in a folder called docs/compilation. The version control ignores the default folder name build.
Update our Docker Hub repository: This job builds a container with all extra requirements and it is pushed to our Docker Hub repository using latest tag automatically. This update is executed only when the previous format and documentation workflows have successfully finished.
Testing and CodeCov update: Project tests are executed in the same way than pull request event. However, when test are executed, the coverage report is uploaded to CodeCov service in order to register the code coverage percentage in the project.
14.3. New release created or modified
When a release is published or edited manually in the repository, an action catches the release tag version and it uses it to build a container and upload/update on Docker Hub with that tag version.
At the same time, another job will update the PyPi Sinergym repository with its current version tag.
See .github/workflows YML files to see the code we use.
If you forked the repository from Sinergym, we recommend you to enable Github Action in your project in order to take advantage of this functionality in your developments.
Currently, the workflows explained above upload two containers. A container with all extra packages and a container with minimal installation.