1. Installation

Sinergym has a number of dependencies, which have to be covered depending on the version. Below is a summary table with the versions supported by Sinergym throughout its releases:

Sinergym version

Ubuntu version

Python version

EnergyPlus version

Building model file


18.04 LTS





18.04 LTS





18.04 LTS





22.04 LTS





22.04 LTS





22.04 LTS




In any case, it is recommended to always use the latest version of Sinergym supported by the container to avoid having to go into the details of the installation. In case you wish to perform a manual installation on your computer, documentation is also provided in the following sections.

1.1. Docker container

We include a Dockerfile for installing all dependencies and setting up the image for running Sinergym.

By default, Dockerfile will do pip install -e .[extras]. However, if you want to install a different setup, you will have to do in root repository the next:

$ docker build -t <tag_name> --build-arg SINERGYM_EXTRAS=[<setup_tag(s)>] .

For example, if you want a container with only documentation libraries and testing:

$ docker build -t example1/sinergym:latest --build-arg SINERGYM_EXTRAS=[doc,test] .

On the other hand, if you don’t want any extra library, it’s necessary to write an empty value like this:

$ docker build -t example1/sinergym:latest --build-arg SINERGYM_EXTRAS= .


You can install directly our container from Docker Hub repository, all releases of this project are there.


If you use Visual Studio Code, by simply opening the root directory and clicking on the pop-up button Reopen in container, all the dependencies will be installed automatically and you will be able to run Sinergym in an isolated environment. For more information about how to use this functionality, check VSCode Containers extension documentation.

1.2. Manual installation

To install Sinergym manually instead of through the container (recommended), follow these steps:

1.2.1. Configure Python environment

  • First, clone this repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/ugr-sail/sinergym.git
$ cd sinergym
  • Then, it is recommended to create a virtual environment. You can do so by:

$ sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv virtualenv
$ virtualenv env_sinergym --python=python3.10
$ source env_sinergym/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .[extras]

There are other alternatives like conda environments (recommended). Conda is very comfortable to use and we have a file to configure it automatically:

$ cd sinergym
$ conda env create -f python_environment.yml
$ conda activate sinergym

Now, we have a correct python version with required modules to run Sinergym. Let’s continue with the rest of the programs that are needed outside of Python to run the simulations:

1.2.2. Install EnergyPlus 23.1.0

Install EnergyPlus. Currently it has been update compatibility to 23.1.0 and it has been tested, but code may also work with other versions, but they don’t have been tested.

Follow the instructions here and install it for Linux (only Ubuntu is supported by us). Choose any location to install the software. Once installed, a folder called Energyplus-23-1-0 should appear in the selected location.

1.2.3. Include Energyplus Python API in python path

Sinergym will use the Energyplus Python API as backend. The modules of this API are located in the Energyplus folder, installed in the previous step. This installation path must be added to the PYTHONPATH environment variable, so that the interpreter can access these modules.

1.3. About Sinergym package

As we have told you in section Manual installation, Python environment can be set up using python_environment.yml with conda. This will install the virtual environment with Python version required and all packages used all-in-one. However, we can make an installation using the Github repository in a python environment directly, like we have shown with virtualenv:

$ source env_sinergym/bin/activate
$ cd sinergym
$ pip install -e .

Extra libraries can be installed by typing pip install -e .[extras]. extras include all optional libraries which have been considered in this project such as testing, visualization, Deep Reinforcement Learning, monitoring , etc. It’s possible to select a subset of these libraries instead of ‘extras’ tag in which we select all optional libraries, for example:

$ cd sinergym
$ pip install -e .[test,doc]

In order to check all our tag list, visit setup.py in Sinergym root repository. In any case, they are not a requirement of the package.

You can also install from official PyPi repository with last stable version by default:

$ pip install sinergym[extras]

1.4. Check Installation

This project is automatically supervised using tests developed specifically for it. If you want to check Sinergym has been installed successfully, run pytest tests/ -vv in the repository root.

Anyway, every time Sinergym repository is updated, the tests will run automatically in a remote container using the Dockerfile to build it. Github Action will do that job (see Github Actions section).

1.5. Cloud Computing

You can run your experiments in the Cloud too. We are using Google Cloud in order to make it possible. Our team aim to set up an account in which execute our Sinergym container with remote storage and WandB tracking. For more detail about installation and getting Google Cloud SDK ready to run your experiments, visit our section Preparing Google Cloud.