21. Logger Wrapper personalization/configuration
We will see on this notebook how to personalize the logger wrapper defined by sinergym.
import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
import sinergym
from sinergym.utils.wrappers import (LoggerWrapper, MultiObsWrapper,
21.1. Step 1 Inherit and modify the CSVloger
First we need to change the CSV logger to modify the values written into the file on the function create_row_contents
from sinergym.utils.logger import CSVLogger
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union, List
class CustomCSVLogger(CSVLogger):
def __init__(
monitor_header: str,
progress_header: str,
log_progress_file: str,
log_file: Optional[str] = None,
flag: bool = True):
super(CustomCSVLogger, self).__init__(monitor_header,progress_header,log_progress_file,log_file,flag)
self.last_10_steps_reward = [0]*10
def _create_row_content(
obs: List[Any],
action: Union[int, np.ndarray, List[Any]],
terminated: bool,
truncated: bool,
info: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List:
if info.get('reward') is not None:
return [
info.get('timestep',0)] + list(obs) + list(action) + [
21.2. Step 2 Instantiate the LoggerWrapper
Now, we need to instantiate the LoggerWrapper
and specify the new headers of our file and the CSVLogger
class we want to use.
env=LoggerWrapper(env,logger_class=CustomCSVLogger,monitor_header = ['timestep'] + env.get_wrapper_attr('observation_variables') +
env.get_wrapper_attr('action_variables') + ['time (hours)', 'reward', '10-mean-reward',
'power_penalty', 'comfort_penalty', 'terminated', 'truncated'])
[ENVIRONMENT] (INFO) : Creating Gymnasium environment... [demo-v1]
[MODELING] (INFO) : Experiment working directory created [/workspaces/sinergym/examples/Eplus-env-demo-v1-res35042]
[MODELING] (INFO) : runperiod established: {'start_day': 1, 'start_month': 1, 'start_year': 1991, 'end_day': 31, 'end_month': 12, 'end_year': 1991, 'start_weekday': 1, 'n_steps_per_hour': 4}
[MODELING] (INFO) : Episode length (seconds): 31536000.0
[MODELING] (INFO) : timestep size (seconds): 900.0
[MODELING] (INFO) : timesteps per episode: 35040
[MODELING] (INFO) : Model Config is correct.
[REWARD] (INFO) : Reward function initialized.
[ENVIRONMENT] (INFO) : Environment demo-v1 created successfully.
[WRAPPER LoggerWrapper] (INFO) : Wrapper initialized.
Now, you can see in Sinergym output folder that you will have available progress.csv
file and monitor.csv
files in each episode.
for i in range(1):
obs, info = env.reset()
rewards = []
truncated = terminated = False
current_month = 0
while not (terminated or truncated):
a = env.action_space.sample()
obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(a)
if info['month'] != current_month: # display results every month
current_month = info['month']
print('Reward: ', sum(rewards), info)
print('Episode ', i, 'Mean reward: ', np.mean(
rewards), 'Cumulative reward: ', sum(rewards))
[ENVIRONMENT] (INFO) : Starting a new episode... [demo-v1] [Episode 1]
[MODELING] (INFO) : Episode directory created [/workspaces/sinergym/examples/Eplus-env-demo-v1-res35042/Eplus-env-sub_run1]
[MODELING] (INFO) : Weather file USA_PA_Pittsburgh-Allegheny.County.AP.725205_TMY3.epw used.
[MODELING] (INFO) : Updated building model with whole Output:Variable available names
[MODELING] (INFO) : Updated building model with whole Output:Meter available names
[MODELING] (INFO) : Extra config: runperiod updated to {'apply_weekend_holiday_rule': 'No', 'begin_day_of_month': 1, 'begin_month': 1, 'begin_year': 1991, 'day_of_week_for_start_day': 'Tuesday', 'end_day_of_month': 1, 'end_month': 3, 'end_year': 1991, 'use_weather_file_daylight_saving_period': 'Yes', 'use_weather_file_holidays_and_special_days': 'Yes', 'use_weather_file_rain_indicators': 'Yes', 'use_weather_file_snow_indicators': 'Yes'}
[MODELING] (INFO) : Updated episode length (seconds): 5184000.0
[MODELING] (INFO) : Updated timestep size (seconds): 3600.0
[MODELING] (INFO) : Updated timesteps per episode: 1440
[MODELING] (INFO) : Adapting weather to building model. [USA_PA_Pittsburgh-Allegheny.County.AP.725205_TMY3.epw]
[ENVIRONMENT] (INFO) : Saving episode output path... [/workspaces/sinergym/examples/Eplus-env-demo-v1-res35042/Eplus-env-sub_run1/output]
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/opyplus/weather_data/weather_data.py:493: FutureWarning: the 'line_terminator'' keyword is deprecated, use 'lineterminator' instead.
epw_content = self._headers_to_epw(use_datetimes=use_datetimes) + df.to_csv(
[SIMULATOR] (INFO) : Running EnergyPlus with args: ['-w', '/workspaces/sinergym/examples/Eplus-env-demo-v1-res35042/Eplus-env-sub_run1/USA_PA_Pittsburgh-Allegheny.County.AP.725205_TMY3.epw', '-d', '/workspaces/sinergym/examples/Eplus-env-demo-v1-res35042/Eplus-env-sub_run1/output', '/workspaces/sinergym/examples/Eplus-env-demo-v1-res35042/Eplus-env-sub_run1/5ZoneAutoDXVAV.epJSON']
[ENVIRONMENT] (INFO) : Episode 1 started.
[SIMULATOR] (INFO) : handlers initialized.
[SIMULATOR] (INFO) : handlers are ready.
[SIMULATOR] (INFO) : System is ready.
[WRAPPER LoggerWrapper] (INFO) : Creating monitor.csv for current episode (episode 1) if logger is active
Reward: -0.7359103431230598 {'time_elapsed(hours)': 2.5, 'month': 1, 'day': 1, 'hour': 1, 'is_raining': False, 'action': array([18.217491, 27.886911], dtype=float32), 'timestep': 2, 'reward': -0.7359103431230598, 'energy_term': -0.04774477368803297, 'comfort_term': -0.6881655694350268, 'reward_weight': 0.5, 'abs_energy': 954.8954737606593, 'abs_comfort': 1.3763311388700536, 'energy_values': [954.8954737606593], 'temp_values': [18.623668861129946]}
Reward: -183.89998888619655 {'time_elapsed(hours)': 745.3333333333334, 'month': 2, 'day': 1, 'hour': 0, 'is_raining': False, 'action': array([17.045027, 24.73458 ], dtype=float32), 'timestep': 745, 'reward': -0.04774477368803296, 'energy_term': -0.04774477368803296, 'comfort_term': -0.0, 'reward_weight': 0.5, 'abs_energy': 954.8954737606592, 'abs_comfort': 0.0, 'energy_values': [954.8954737606592], 'temp_values': [20.268929570656645]}
Reward: -301.35254046509186 {'time_elapsed(hours)': 1417.3333333333333, 'month': 3, 'day': 1, 'hour': 0, 'is_raining': False, 'action': array([15.840368, 25.000128], dtype=float32), 'timestep': 1417, 'reward': -0.10365036504194708, 'energy_term': -0.020063419083978743, 'comfort_term': -0.08358694595796834, 'reward_weight': 0.5, 'abs_energy': 401.2683816795749, 'abs_comfort': 0.16717389191593668, 'energy_values': [401.2683816795749], 'temp_values': [19.832826108084063]}
Episode 0 Mean reward: -0.21284685762769534 Cumulative reward: -306.49947498388144
[WRAPPER LoggerWrapper] (INFO) : End of episode, recording summary (progress.csv) if logger is active
[ENVIRONMENT] (INFO) : Environment closed. [demo-v1]