
class sinergym.utils.callbacks.LoggerCallback(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Custom callback for plotting additional values in Stable Baselines 3 algorithms. :param ep_rewards: Here will be stored all rewards during episode. :param ep_powers: Here will be stored all consumption data during episode. :param ep_term_comfort: Here will be stored all comfort terms (reward component) during episode. :param ep_term_energy: Here will be stored all energy terms (reward component) during episode. :param num_comfort_violation: Number of timesteps in which comfort has been violated. :param ep_timesteps: Each timestep during an episode, this value increment 1.

__init__(dump_frequency=100, sinergym_logger=False, verbose=0)

Custom callback for plotting additional values in Stable Baselines 3 algorithms. :param dump_frequency: This is the timestep frequency in which all data recorded is dumped, ignoring algorithm log interval. Defaults to 100. :type dump_frequency: int :param sinergym_logger: Indicate if CSVLogger inner Sinergym will be activated or not. :type sinergym_logger: boolean


__init__([dump_frequency, sinergym_logger, ...])

Custom callback for plotting additional values in Stable Baselines 3 algorithms.