
Implementation of custom Gym environments.


BaseLoggerWrapper(env, storage_class)

CSVLogger(env[, info_excluded_keys])


Wrapper to substitute day value by is_weekend flag, and hour and month by sin and cos values.

DiscreteIncrementalWrapper(env, initial_values)

A wrapper for an incremental setpoint discrete action space environment.

DiscretizeEnv(env, discrete_space, ...)

Wrapper to discretize an action space.

IncrementalWrapper(env, ...)

A wrapper for an incremental values of desired action variables

LoggerWrapper(env, storage_class)

MultiObjectiveReward(env, reward_terms)

MultiObsWrapper(env[, n, flatten])

NormalizeAction(env[, normalize_range])

Wrapper to normalize action space.

NormalizeObservation(env[, ...])


PreviousObservationWrapper(env, ...)

Wrapper to add observation values from previous timestep to current environment observation

ReduceObservationWrapper(env, obs_reduction)

WandBLogger(env, entity, project_name[, ...])