8. Logging System Overview

Sinergym implements several loggers to control all information flow during execution.

8.1. TerminalLogger

  • Prints information to the default output during processes.


8.2. LoggerStorage

  • Efficiently stores interaction information as class attributes.

  • Not included by default in Sinergym environments; it handles only data logic, storage, and management functionality.

  • This class can be replaced by any other data storage system, such as a remote database if desired.

To utilize LoggerStorage in environment interactions, apply the LoggerWrapper from Sinergym, by default uses this class to store data. The idea is to enable modular logging across different methods or platforms. In this section, we provide a brief description of the wrappers that use this logger storage module, but for a detailed explanation, visit the Logger Wrappers section and we have an usage example in Logging and storing data with logger wrappers.

8.2.1. Logger Wrapper

  • Uses the LoggerStorage class to store all information during the environment interaction flow.

  • The environment will have a new attribute called data_logger, an instance of LoggerStorage containing all the information.

  • This wrapper also implements functionality to use the logger with custom metrics and episode summary metrics (customizable, see Logger Wrapper personalization/configuration).

8.2.2. CSV Logger

  • Works with the LoggerWrapper data_logger instance and calculated summary metrics implemented to parse and save data in CSV files during simulations (see Output format).

8.2.3. WandB Logger

  • Works with the LoggerWrapper data_logger instance and calculated summary metrics to dump all information on the WandB platform in real-time.

8.3. WandBOutputFormat

  • Integrates compatibility for the Stable Baselines 3 training logging system with Weights and Biases platform.

  • Then, can be used with Sinergym WandBLogger to consolidate information in a single Weights and Biases panel automatically. See example Training a model for more information.